Thursday, May 24, 2007


Well, believe it or not, I just love this comic book, which came out when the "BATMANIA" fad was in full swing, thanks to the 20th CENTURY FOX television series, BATMAN, which was shown twice a week, on Wednesday and Thursday nights, on ABC TV, here in the US.
This comic book is truly a "comic" book, that is, it is _funny_, and it is about a stand-up comic, which Lewis actually was at the time.
The plot depicts Jerry and his comic book nephew, "Renfrew" going into action as their own version of the famous Caped Crusaders, of course, and the dialogue in this is so typical of the mid-1960's, and, while dated today, really is funny, at least, it is to me, just as funny as it was in 1966.
Written by the late Arnold Drake, and drawn by one of the world's best charicaturists,Bob Oksner, this issue of "JERRY" is one of the few I bought in the original run of the comic books, and kept all these years, because it has sentimental value to me, and it is a true time capsule of it's era, when there was a much larger variety of comic book genres.
Who could forget Jerry as "Ratman", and "Renfrew" as "Rotten"?
I will never do so!!!

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